Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rain Drops

I love the me they are a sign of freshness, energy and fervor...I wanted to share this peace of poetry that I totally dedicate to the rains, which to me is a season of joy...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

To be Flawed

Just a rhyme on something I feel 'are mistakes always bad', why on earth is it that perfection is always looked up to, while flaws condemned...

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Coming Back to Life

My entire point of writing this poem is not merely preaching the fact that killing one's self is an act of cowardice or anything of that sort...For a fact an individual does reach to a point of an extreme mental exhaustion when he does resort to a thing like suicide...I am not here to prove whether its being coward or brave to kill one's self...All i wanna say is tat hey there are yet loads of people who love you a atleast for them think about giving life one more chance...

And last but not the least, hope Pink Floyd doesn't sue me for taking their eternal song title :P