P.S.: By the word's 'Milton's Classic Epic,' I am referring to Paradise Lost, an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books; a second edition followed in 1674, redivided into twelve books. The poem concerns the Judeo-Christian story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The protagonist of this epic is the fallen angel, Satan.
The main image is a painting by Gustave Dore (January 6, 1832 – January 23, 1883) who was a French artist, engraver, and illustrator. The painting is Dore’s depiction of Satan from John Milton's Paradise Lost.
I have no best friend,
I have no mate.
I live in a dungeon,
My life�s in a disastrous state.
pretty neatly described the lonliness and the ugliness of being alone and deserted as termed by disastrous state.
My pride has now defeated me,
My ego deceived me.
Loss and failure is all I see,
My destiny �black,� it�s ought to be.
I see a rhythm and tone going low, that's good as it goes with the theme of the stanza. You kept it gripped.
But I have and will always exist in some face and form,
Will reappear for millions of years to come.
Cause that�s nature�s law and norm,
That even amidst the purest water, there will always exist a scum.
I could hope the ending could have been better. The last line seems to be the problem but I have a general feeling about the whole stanza.
very well done Benaifer...very nice poem indeed. The subject matter is dark and your perception of it seems quite fitting...
first: comments about the poem. i think it describes the loneliness and accursed feeling of satan very nicely. though the last sentences of every stanza could have been curtailed n r a bit stretched. otherwise, the rhythm n flow of the words is smooth n excellent.
and about the visual impact on the blog: its simply STUNNING! dripping red fonts, fire in hell backgrounds and a very gothic image add to the overall macabre, gothic n dark effect. loved it very much n goes extremely nicely with the poem's theme.
i think its one of the best posts on ur blog, rating by the poem, the fonts n the image. keep up the darkness!
very well done... The Devil writing about Satan! waah! jsut kidding!
I think it is one of the best poems I have ever read!
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